The NGO BARIKA, which means Non-Governmental Organization GRACE, is an NGO that was created in Natitingou, Benin. Mr. Elysée PORMATE, ORL specialist (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology), had in heart to bring assistance to certain layers of the population of Natitingou and its surroundings and to ensure their spiritual well-being. The NGO is involved in various fields such as
- Health
- The environment
- The economy
- The promotion of culture
- Evangelization
In the field of health, the NGO is specifically involved in
-the promotion of mother and child health
-the promotion of people with disabilities, especially hearing disabilities
-maternal recovery, i.e. children in difficult situations (See the different categories of children in difficult situations here)
In the field of the environment it is about :
-the protection of green spaces
-the supervision of the housewives on the forestry exploitation
-limiting deforestation and encouraging reforestation
In the field of economy, it aims at:
-the creation of IGAs to increase household income
-the supervision of the hearing impaired in jobs that do not pose a risk to their development
In the field of cultural promotion,
it is about alpha activities, dance and reading contests in language, educational radio programs in language, the creation of local music videos...
All this is crowned by evangelization.
Elysée PORMATE works in collaboration with Mrs. Ida DOSSI, State Midwife and Josephine PORIMATE, Cultural Promoter.